(801) 661-7697 steveseliger@gmail.com

Individual Therapy

individual therapy

While I have trained most extensively in Object Relations and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, I continue to study and use different approaches when appropriate. Not every problem has a behavioral “here and now” solution, nor does every problem necessitate a re-working of early childhood traumas. I am a pragmatist at heart and my greatest desire is to help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

When we meet:

  • I will listen carefully to your unique life-story.
  • I will take the time to understand, acknowledge and validate where you’ve been and what you’ve experienced.
  • I will help you discern your honest authentic self from your defense mechanisms, fears, insecurities and bad habits.
  • When appropriate, I will help you explore how to live a life of greater authenticity, integrity, and self-expression.
  • I will help you heal old wounds and broken relationships.
  • I will help you how to overcome (or minimize) depression and anxiety.
  • I will help you heal from abuse or neglect that has impacted your life.
  • I will help you design a healthy and balanced lifestyle based on your values and aspirations.

Therapy Basics

  • -I like to start and end our sessions on time. It is helpful, but not necessary, to show up a few minutes early.
  • -1 hour sessions are 50 minutes long, 1.5 hour sessions are 80 minutes long.
  • -At times I find it necessary to extend a session for a few minutes. Please be patient and understand that I will do my best to make sure you get your full time allotment.
  • -Individual therapy sessions are usually one hour long – but we can arrange longer if circumstances dictate.
  • -Couples sessions are usually 1.5 hours long. Longer or shorter sessions can be arranged when appropriate.
  • -Payment is due at the time of service unless otherwise arranged.

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